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Technology trends that mean the difference between success and failure for small and medium businesses

Picture of By <span style="font-weight:bold;color:#F63C47; font-style: italic;">Oscar Guerrero</span>

By Oscar Guerrero

Published April 10, 2017

If you feel like the world of IT for small and medium businesses has gotten more complicated in the last few years, you’re not the only one. According to a recent study, close to 41% of entrepreneurs and small business (quickbooks software for small business) owners feel that their technology needs are becoming increasingly complex.1


It’s no surprise that you feel this way, technology is evolving at an incredible rate and new trends arise every day. While this might seem overwhelming, it’s important for you to keep in mind the following tips that might work in your favor during moments of growth.



It’s a constant issue for companies to keep up to date, let alone stay on top of innovation trends that will help their business stand out. Make sure you read about oncoming technologies frequently to help you keep in line with what’s coming or what you could do in the market.


DIFM (Do It For Me) or DIWM (Do It With Me):

Not all companies have the resources to deal with issues foreign to their core business; much less hire a person or team to do it. As you expand your business you must consider adopting a single-focus mentality. By using services that “Do it For You” or “Do it With Me”, companies are hiring out essential services, and servers on the Cloud and are spending less time working on areas that are not their specialty. This helps reduce time and costs that would be otherwise spent by someone in their team. Consider the areas in your company that might require these kinds of services before you consider changes or troubleshooting.


Cloud services are here to stay

Your information is one of your business’s most important assets and you need to be able to protect it. Hackers target your type of business more and more each day, especially because data safety is not a main concern for small and medium businesses.

Additionally, you must consider natural disasters. A study conducted by Eastern Kentucky University showed that 1 out of 4 small and medium businesses don’t recover after data loss after natural disasters. Not only can your company keep a copy of its data secure and offsite protected in case of such events, but by using servers on the Cloud you can access your information from anywhere in the world with any device, as long as you have an internet connection.


The world will keep changing and small and medium businesses need to adapt and adapt to change along with it. Make sure you have an action plan that includes new trends to help ensure your company’s continued growth in the market.

1. Clifford, Catherine. “U.S. Small Businesses Expect Improved Sales Prospects”. Entrepeneur. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/226630

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