Orders In Seconds

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Dealing with the Challenges Faced by Modern-Day Sales Representatives!

Picture of By <span style="font-weight:bold;color:#F63C47; font-style: italic;">Oscar Guerrero</span>

By Oscar Guerrero

Published February 25, 2020

The 21st century; field sales representative for wholesale distributors work in an entirely different world to that of even 20 years ago. Gone are the days when you went to visit a potential client, took the order and headed back to the main office, all in good time! Today, the key lies in responding to leads in double-quick time, getting the go ahead as soon as you can, and getting that order back to the team at the office almost in an instant – and quicker if possible! The world of commerce and industry is very much time-driven now, so any tool that can help the rep out in the field is always going to be welcome.

Is there such a tool? There is, and it’s been developed by us to streamline and simplify the sales and ordering process, by using the very latest technology and solutions. Orders In Seconds – or OIS Pro as we like to call it – is a cloud-based sales management app that will help make your life on the road far easier, as well as that of the team back at the office. Furthermore, it gives the client added reassurance that their order will be dealt with as quickly, efficiently and accurately as possible. How does it work, and what can OIS Pro do for you?

The Benefits of OIS Pro

First and foremost, as we mentioned above OIS Pro is a cloud-based platform; this means it does not take up valuable space on your servers. We have designed it to create a communications portal that is delivered on a handheld device – your smartphone or tablet – and that is very easy to use. OIS Pro can handle everything from in-store calls to sales order and pre-order processing, all remotely, and then communicates with OIS Central, which is the web-based central system that is back at the office. Information is delivered cleanly and instantly, allowing for immediate processing.


Not only can you get the order details back to base there and then, but if you wish it can be done in front of the client in real time. OIS can also interface with popular accounting systems – think major brands such as Sage, QuickBooks, PeachTree, Microsoft Dynamics, SAP and more – giving you added versatility, and in the process streamlining the order processing system to even greater degree. Available for iPhone and iPad, as well as for Android devices, OIS Pro is the sales processing app you need if you want to operate the smoothest possible system.

With metric analysis tools, sales compensation, GPS tracking, customer order history and many other features not always found on sales apps of this kind, we are confident that OIS Pro will appeal to you no matter the type or size of business you operate.

Simple Order Taking App for DSD and Presale teams

If OIS Pro is of interest to you, why not fill in your details at the website, and we will happily arrange for you to be presented with a demonstration of the capabilities of the OIS package – and we’re confident you’ll be impressed!


Learn more about our B2B eCommerce Platform for Wholesalers!

B2B eCommerce App

Track Orders and Keep Customers Happy!

■ Create custom pricing, percentage discounts and volume pricing for customers or groups.

■ Allow customers to purchase, track and reorder products.

■ Integrate your eCommerce platform with your accounting system (SAP, SAGE, Quickbooks and others)


B2B Wholesale Distributors: 5 Step Guide to Doubling Your Sales Orders
B2B Wholesale Distributors 5 Step Guide to Doubling Your Sales Orders

Double Your Sales Orders in 5 Steps

This exclusive eBook is packed with real-world, data-driven concepts
that can help maximize your store visits and double your sales.
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FREE In-Depth Guide for B2B Wholesale Distributors

Double Your Sales Orders in 5 Steps

This exclusive eBook is packed with real-world, data-driven concepts that can help maximize your store visits and double your sales.
Get it for FREE – Today!

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